My article on the Verdun by-election appears on the front page of the Suburban this week.

Six of the eight candidates met with residents for breakfast last weekend at Baobab (4800 Wellington).

The crowds were bigger for Liberal candidate Isabelle Melançon and CAQ candidate and former Verdun borough mayor, Ginette Marotte. Local Richard Langlais, who is running for the PQ and co-owns the aux purs delices bakery on de L’eglise with his spouse Micheline Lefebvre, also drew several people as did Véronique Martineau for Québec solidaire and Frédéric Dénommé for Option nationale.

David Cox, for the Green Party of Québec, brought his daughter to the event and was greeted politely.

David Girard for the Équipe Adrien Pouliot – Parti conservateur du Québec, and Sébastien Poirier for Équipe autonomiste did not attend.

I have recorded interviews for my Unapologetically Canadian podcast with Isabelle Melançon, Ginette Marotte and Richard Langlais.

There are also stories about Isabelle Melançon, Ginette Marotte and Richard Langlais on this website.

An interview with, and article about, Véronique Martineau will appear later today.


Tracey Arial

Unapologetically Canadian Tracey Arial promotes creative entrepreneurship as an author, cooperative business leader, gardener, family historian and podcaster.

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